#1: Keep back-ups of your files!
Portal data storage is getting more and more inexpensive, it doesn't make sense not to have your data saved in multiple locations. Photos are nearly priceless, you will never get those moments back.What I do... I have a copy on:
- my laptop,
- a portal 1TB hard drive (a couple actually),
- and a non-portal large hard drive (2TB).
Rational: My laptop is where I work and the portal hard drive is my life back-up. I don't leave home without this puppy. Depending on what I'm working on, is the portal drive that travels with me. I have a portal hard drive for recent photos and files from the last few years, and one for older photos and files. [Because I take way too many photos, but maybe you can manage to have one portal hard drive.] The non-portal gets backed up with everything and does not get touched.
**Did you know .JPEG save at a lower quality after they're edited**
#2: Folder Organization
PhotosFor my photos, I organize by the date they were taken. This helps me easily upload photos because I don't have to think, makes sharing pictures a breeze and helps with my style of chronological scrapbooking. Whenever I receive shared photos from family/friends or upload, I instantly know whether I already have the them.
Sometimes, I create another folder under the month for a special occasion (e.g. Disney Trip, etc.). If the special occasion overlaps months, I select the earlier month or the starting month.
This is how I organize my photos:
At the top, a Photo folder, then folders for each year with sub-folders for each month.
Scrapbooking Supplies
With all the great computer search options it's easy to find things but it doesn't help when you're browsing for inspiration or just to see what you've got.
This is how I organize my digital scrapbooking supplies:
Cut files: (SVGs) files for my cutting machine
Elements: this has many sub-folders based on how I think of the different clip art, see the left side for some of the sub-folders
Elements: this has many sub-folders based on how I think of the different clip art, see the left side for some of the sub-folders
Fonts: too many fonts can slow down your computer, it's best to only install the fonts you plan to use or use often
Ideas: pictures of other's work, sketches, templates, etc.
Letters: alphas and numbers, I use these often so I didn't want them hidden in the elements folder
My Creations: digital files and photos the stuff I created.
Paper: digital (scrapbooking) paper - I've also added the color to the beginning of the file name - this is how I tend to look for papers
Photoshop: photoshop file type, these can only be used with Photoshop
Printable: these are Adobe file type, usually 8.5"x11" prints
ProjectLife: my latest folder add, for journal cards
Purchased : these are duplicate (still in compressed folders) of things I purchased in their original bundled format. I like to break up the kits I buy but I have found I like to refer back to the bundle for reference.
Printable: these are Adobe file type, usually 8.5"x11" prints
ProjectLife: my latest folder add, for journal cards
Purchased : these are duplicate (still in compressed folders) of things I purchased in their original bundled format. I like to break up the kits I buy but I have found I like to refer back to the bundle for reference.
ReadingMaterials: articles
Software: digital backup of my crafting software and license files. It is so important to save the .exe files (not just hit the RUN button) provided with software purchases or even free downloads (who wants to search for it again, really). If youre computer crashes, all the programs are ready to be installed again.
TOU: (aka Terms of Use) also a new folder, these files come from freebies and purchased files - I make sure the file names match the other file which I had downloaded for easy reference.
TOU: (aka Terms of Use) also a new folder, these files come from freebies and purchased files - I make sure the file names match the other file which I had downloaded for easy reference.
Can you tell I've had computers crash on me, multiple times. I've lost time rebuilding but fortunately lost none of my data. Having a hard drive that is all organized, rebuilding is a breeze and you can pretty much hop on any computer and have what you need nearly immediately.

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